How Thanos Disappeared My Ovaries [pt2]


Google didn’t provide me with anything new I hadn’t already heard about from bad menopause jokes. (You know the ones. A vagina so dry that tumbleweeds are rolling through it.) Without info from my doctor, my only alternative was to hit the streets, door-to-door, and talk to some people like a passionate Jehovah’s Witness.

I didn’t know anyone that had their ovaries removed except my mom and my mom hates sex and couldn’t remember all the things she experienced after her hysterectomy, so she was zero help. She even said to me “You can ask me anything. Unless it has to do with sex.” (in an accusatory tone.) She also said some other things that sounded judgmental. (side note: I live with my partner and we are not married.) In my mom’s defense she is hardcore Catholic (and a boomer) and wanted to be a nun. My older sister IS a nun. (literally. this is not a metaphor.) My mom also told me when I was 16 that she loves babies and wished there was another way to make them. !!WUT?! (I hope my mom never reads this blog. :/)

Anyway, I LOOOVE SEX!!! (with the right person) So, these lack of resources were not going to work for me. And I was in a newish long-term relationship (8 months) with a younger man and we were both so in love (still are 💜) and this was (is) the best sex of my life, and we participated in it daily. I was terrified that this surgery would ruin my best ever relationship!! (😭)

I needed answers!!!

I reached out to my female friends to find out if anyone knew someone that had their ovaries removed that I could talk to. A few friends came through. (My writers group!!! Shoutout to Megan, Molly, & Delores for trying to help me.) Out of the people that tried to help, only one of their friends ended up getting back to me. She was amazing and I am so grateful for her answering my questions! (another writer — my people!) She had a different sex life from me, though, and did not go with Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT). So the information she provided was not enough to help me make my decision.

And I was pressed for time!
(do you feel the tension? I do. Reliving this is giving me anxiety.)

For some reason Thanos was pressuring me to decide in a couple of months (!!) and would only do endometriosis surgery if I was also getting the oophorectomy. Oh yeah… I didn’t tell you guys how this all started.

Check Out Part 3 > (Coming Soon!)


How Thanos Disappeared My Ovaries [pt1]